Why Botero? – Botero Homes

Why Botero?

Why Choose Botero? Here are 10 Good Reasons!



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Lowest Cost:

After the crisis, most prices of construction materials and services have gone down by 50% on average, except those related to oil. All these discounts are transferred by Botero to the client. You will be assured that you get the REAL cost + the management fee. In marble and ceramic we get a 70% savings. In foundations and framing 30%, and in plumbing and electrical fixtures 50%. All of these savings are passed to the client. No Exceptions! And we don’t play games!! For the first time since the 2008 crisis, we started 2013 with a price increase. We will monitor this trend carefully when preparing the budgets for our clients. We expect that the cost of materials will take about five years to be back at the high 2008 level.

Lowest Engagement Fee:

When you sign the contract with Botero, we only charge $5,000 for houses between 5,000 sqft and 10,000 sqft and $15,000 for houses above 10,000 sqft.


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Total Transparency:

The money received from the client and the bank is managed in a completely independent bank account where the homeowners have access online and can monitor all transactions 24/7. Every month a report is delivered to the client with details of all expenditures for each item of the budget, showing the progress of the construction and the balances for every chapter. Accounting is open to the clients at any time and the invoices charged to Botero are the same used for the client accounting. The client may talk openly with every vendor about the prices charged or may suggest to Botero a particular vendor that will offer an even better price or promotion. The objective is to build the home at the lowest possible cost.

We developed a program by which the homeowners receive a daily report of activities taking place in the contruction of their home and a monthly accounting report with a budget control presentation. This, plus the bank’s online connection, will facilitate the process of monitoring by the client, making it more transparent than ever!


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Assistance with the purchase of the lot:

Botero Homes has an associate who is a licensed realtor. We offer the client the service of finding, selecting and buying the lot.

Best Attitude:

A “Yes, we are glad to do it” attitude prevails everywhere in the Botero Homes Team. Each one gives the best of themselves, including overtime and holidays, to keep the client happy. The working environment in the Botero organization is pleasant and of constant activity about satisfying client needs.

Best References:

(a) Five-time First Prize winner of the “Monument Award” as “Best of the Best” in Luxury Homes. (b) Four-time winner of the distinction by the U.S Commerce Association as “Best of Vienna” and now in 2013, “Best of Reston”. (c) Selected as Member of the “BUILD- PAC” for extraordinary dedication to the Home Building industry by the National Association of Home Builders. (d) Two “Best Feature” GALA awards. (e) Written testimonials from our homeowners. To learn more about our awards, click here.


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The process of building the “client’s dream” has to be pleasant and happy. It is almost like a marriage between Builder and Client for more than one year. Botero’s mission is that at the end of the stressful process, we have a “friend for life”. If Mr. Botero finds at the initial process of plan design and budget preparation that there is no “empathy” between Builder and Client, he will respectfully decline to participate. We at Botero need to be happy and to take pleasure out of building your Home.


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Custom Home:

Every home is unique. Although the client may want us to follow the basic elements of a previous home or may request us to buy ready-plans, we devote hours to the process of customizing and adjusting the plans to the County Code. Mr. Botero himself, with a team of professionals in the architectural, construction and financial fields, works very closely with every step of the process of designing and drafting your home. The same team will be there in the field, supervising the construction process.

Individual Budget:

A budget is custom prepared for each home, side by side with the owner, to achieve the lowest possible cost and prevents you from having “surprises” later on.


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Good News!!

The joint effort to achieve the lowest cost pays. Every time, with no exceptions, when we finish a home, the client finds that the value of the home in the market exceeds by $200,000 to $700,000 the cost spent in construction. This means you get “Instant Equity” because of simple market law: You got the house at real wholesale cost but you will sell it at retail. Presently, at times of market crisis, this is probably the only add-on equity you will get for the next 4 years. We build at lower cost than the price of the millions of houses in distress in the present post-crisis market.


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